
joi, 3 februarie 2011

I'd like to try : Toni&Guy Boost-It Mousse

Sa spunem ca introduc o noua rubrica : ce mi-ar placea sa testez, eventual sa si am. Nu in baza glitterului ce inconjoara reclamele din revistele glossy, oricum nu mai sunt la curent pentru ca nu le mai cumpar decat pentru cine stie ce cadou rezonant si rentabil. Ci descoperindu-le pe forumuri si bloguri, asociate cu multe review-uuri cel putin favorabile.

De data aceasta, pofta zilei (to be continued la nesfarsit, pana la proba contrarie) consta in spuma volumizatoare Boost-It, Toni&Guy. Cautam de fapt un alt review pe makeupalley cand am zarit titlul si procentul considerabil de adoratori : 90%. Eu nu folosesc produse de modelare si fixare datorita experientelor neplacute - textura nesuferita, aspect ponosit, dar mai ales a temerii ca deteriorez parul. Ce-i drept, nici nu am avut la dispozitie produse profesionale si varietate larga incat sa pot spune ca am testat tot ce s-a putut si mi-am facut o opinie acurata si motivata. Nu as putea sa arunc toata ziua o suma mare in cautarea produsului potrivit, sa dau 70-80 lei azi si maine sa il abandonez nemultumita ca sa incerc altul and so on.
De cand cu pudra label.m mi s-a pus grav pe "asedierea" radacinilor, sa se mai trezeasca si ele la viata. Parul e foarte lung, fin, rar, sanse minime deci sa aiba vitalitate si volum natural. Chiar mi-as dori sa il ajut sa para mai bogat in crestet caci prima impresie a celor din jur e ca poate nu l-ai spalat proaspat si s-a ingrasat la radacina. Nu ma intereseaza pe lungime, doar crestetul l-as vrea mai "expandat".
Iata cam cum suna opiniile consumatoarelor Boost it :

  • This is the only mousse I have tried that actually works. It leaves my hair soft, my hair isn't left with that awful crispiness and stickiness feeling and the volume and hold lasts all day. Although I think the packaging could be improved I would definitely buy this again.

  • I find the formulation to be sometimes a little runny despite shaking the life out of the bottle, so I'm surprised that it actually works pretty well! It adds volume effectively without stickiness, greasiness or crispiness. I apply it to my roots and it gets significant lift and movement into my hair. My roots ordinarily get greasy very quickly (I have to wash my hair daily), but using a little of this mousse on them actually seems to normalise/balance them. And even though it keeps the root oilies temporarily at bay, I don't find the mousse too drying when I sometimes run it through the (much drier) lengths and ends of my hair. I like the fact I can use this product with my blowdry and my hair retains body all day. The UK price is also a plus point - I got mine as part of a 3-for-£10 promo in Boots. I've checked yes to repurchase although I'll probably try something else next time (purely because I've got little experience of using mousse, so would like to see how other brands compare.)

  • I love this hair mousse, first of all because of the fragrance which is common I think to a lot of their products, it just smells divine! I have bought the travel size just to be able to try it first, as the big bottle is a bit expensive, although I am definitely buying it now. It leaves the hair more receptive to the styling I think and although you feel a bit of residue on it while drying, but that's gone when it's dry, the mousse adds body, strength and fragrance to the hair, which is really nice.

  • Personally, I love the Boost It Mousse, I think the packaging is really cute and I think it does a good job at creating volume. It's not particularly heavy or sticky if you apply it with a light hand, too much and it will weigh your hair down but I mean, I see that will all products I use on my hair. The volume lasts for a good while too and the smell is a little bit strong, but I'm not the kind of person that's bothered by that.
  • Overall, I'd say give it a go, and Boots sells mini versions that you can try out first to see if you like it, so if you don't, it's not that big of a deal.

  • I am very impressed with this product as it creates volume without being sticky or without making your hair greasy. The trick is to not put too much on and to blow dry your hair upside down or using a round brush to encourage the voulume even more.

  • I have tried many thickening sprays and mousse and this seems to be one of the more effective. It is not sticky and lasts all day. It has a distinctive smell but I don't find it unpleasant. It doesn't weigh my hair down at all.

  • This worked really well for me, it creates great volume and root lift, my hair feels manageable and not at all sticky. I've noticed it lasts all day and there is no visible build and my hair didn't feel "dirty". One negative though: I'm not so keen on the powdery smell, it's quite strong and I can feel it all day, it seems to even overpower my fragrance!

  • I bought this in a mini version at Boots, but went straight back the next day to buy me a full size. The trick is to spray the "mousse" directly on your roots, and distribute is afterwards. It give my asian limp-though-wavy hair more lift, volume and hold. Most of the time when I use a volumizing product the effect is gone after an hour. This one lasts.

  • I can't get too excited about it but I have tried much more expensive mousses which aren't nearly as good.
  • I bought it to add body to my fine rather limp hair. I use quite a lot, especially at the roots, and it does help to give volume. It's not sticky and doesn't make your hair go crispy, as some other mousses do.
  • I always wanted to try a lifting product, but the numerous brands on the shelf are all too confusing! I am glad I tried Toni & Guy Boost It Mousse though! It is very simple to use (great for beginners)! You just spray to the areas needed, and comb through. It gives a great root lift, makes hair sleek and smooth, and holds any hairstyle. Simply an ace styling product for any occasions!
  • I use this when I want a bit of added volume to my hair. It smells really great and works very well. It's a little bit expensive for mousse but it's worth it.
  • i bought this mousse after having my one length bob razor cut and wanted that out of bed sexy ruffled look to my newly restyled bob. i have good condition hair so it can have a tendancy to fall flat, but this product is wonderful for adding texture and fullness. the only downside is that the fragrance is rather strong, but c'est la vie! i'm going to stick with it none-the-less because it gives me the tousled messed up bed-head boost i want!
  • I would say that this mousse quite does what it says on the can, but it is nice and light and not sticky like some mousses. It is quite expensive, though you don't need to use very much, so definately value for money. Look out for Boots' 3for2, as it's frequently on offer and worth stocking up on! - true, l-am vazut pe boots.

L-am gasit aici la pretul de 5,49 lire per 250ml. L-a avut cineva?

18 comentarii:

  1. eu chiar il am!l-am luat din Paris acum un an,se consuma greu,dar nici nu o folosesc des.deci,face parul maaaarreeee,zici ca a exploadat bomba in cap,dupa ce il pot sa zic ca face minuni,pe moment poate,apoi a doua zi pot sa zic ca imi place ,dar nici stiu.

  2. Multumesc pentru feedback, modniza! Mai conteaza cum sta a doua zi??? Important e ca si numai pentru o seara sau cateva ore Cenusareasa si cele 100 fire de par ale ei arata a printesa cu coama bogata. :))
    Eu cand am asa o ocazie speciala nu pot decat sa il tapez (nu stiu cat de greu e, ca mie coafeza mi-a zis sa cer unui copil sa mi-l aranjeze ca se descurca mai bine decat mine)...dar nu prea imi iese. Se umfla, dar la suprafata arata ravasit si cu fire rebele, pare incurcat. Nu mai zic cate fire pierd cand spal "incurcatura'. Asa ca pentru mine un produs de "expandare" ce nu necesita tapat si vreo tehnica SF ar fi minunat.

  3. Nu se găsește și la DM sau la Sensiblu ?

  4. La Sensiblu am vazut produse Toni&Guy, in DM nu am avut ocazia sa intru niciodata. Banuiesc ca oricum se pot comanda din 1000 de saloane si magazine online, la mine problema poftelor n-ar fi sursa ci the financial issue. Ori n-am atunci si cand ii am consider ca nu-i o prioritate si ca am mai multa nevoie de altceva, ori mi se pare prea vesnic scump. Aici ar fi prima varianta. :)

  5. Păi da, dar decât să comanzi, să aștepți și să plătești și transportul, tot acolo ajungi dacă-l iei din magazin :)

  6. la Sexyblu am vazut[asa zic eu la sensiblu].

  7. Igu, eu ma refeream la cazul cand nu l-as fi gasit in oras. Sau al vreo mega-oferta de nerefuzat.
    Spre exemplu l-am vazut pe boots 2 la pret de 3, free shipping.
    Chiar o sa ma uit in sensiblu, macar sa stiu cat costa, Banuiesc ca mai mult de 5,5-6 lire cat era pe afara. Romanii au mai multi bani de aruncat, in capul lor.

  8. mai, uite, review-ul asta chiar imi prieste; caut o spuma pt volum de ceva timp si nimic nu functioneaza!! eu am paraul ffffff dessss, e muuuult, dar e moale si nu are volum!
    deci daca este la sexyblue....intr-acolo ma indrept azi! thks, fetelor

  9. Cu placere, dar sa nu ma injuri daca nu iti place...m-am luat si eu dupa incantarea consumatoarelor :)
    Mai degraba mi-as dori pudra label.m Ressurection Style Dust(da, tot Toni&Guy - cea prezentata cu 2 articole in urma),o vad mai usor de aplicat. Pudrezi radacina, scuturi si masezi un pic cu degetele pana iti place cum arata. Plus ca ei spun ca apoi daca dupa acteva ore nu iti mai place cum sta, nu trebuie decat sa masezi din nou sa se "re-electrizeze". Pacat ca e scumpa. :(

  10. Am avut si eu spuma asta. Imediat dupa aplicare este fenomenala. Te trezesti cu un cap de leu si poti sa iti aranjezi parul cum vrei pentru ca nu se va incapatana sa ramana dezordonat. Volumul se mentine cateva ore (cam 3-4 la mine). A doua zi parul se va turti la loc dar, un lucru care mi-a placut a fost ca parul nu se simtea incarcat.
    Eu ti-o recomand daca ti-o doresti s-o folosesti pentru ocazii.
    Daca vrei o spuma pentru zi cu zi, L'oreal Studio. Obtii cam aceleasi rezultate.
    Sper sa iti fi fost de folos. :)

  11. tot timpul citesc despre produse pentru volum si eu ma chinui zilnic sa imi "imblanzesc" parul :))!
    si mai la subiect: am avut la un moment dat un ser de la Tony&Guy, absolut grozav, si am ramas cu impresia ca toate produsele lor sunt bune. oricum, din descriere pare reusita spuma asta!

  12. Salut stiu cum e spuma asta, dar eu am avut samponul si balsamul din aceiasi tristete iti spun ca m-au dezamagit complet in plus parul meu arata mai fara viata decat oricand...
    Eu nu ma ating se spuma asta ...dar de Ressurection Style Dust..un Da convins!

  13. Eu mi-am luat guma de par Toni&Guy de la farmaciile Sensiblu :D Da' nu pot sa zic ca mi-a placut cine stie ce :)):D pup!

  14. Shopperita, cum ma tentezi tu pe mine...:) La coafor imi bagau 1 kg de produse cah, scarboase la atingere, si-l tapau de apoi numai pieptanat cu un pieptan mai rar ca grebla se desfacea saracul. Cica sa tina. :) Da, da, da, vreau lion hair, disco glam.

  15. Natasa, si eu am citit recenzii ale brandului ce aratau ca exista cazuri cand ingrasa parul sau face matreata. Ca si la Tigi, dealtfel. i-as da credit spumei, poate totusi face ce promite mai ales ca exista destule "voci" incurajatoare.

  16. Eu am avut balsam Toni & Guy, tot pe rosu si chiar daca nu-mi dadea volum imi placea la nebunie parfumul. Mi se parea ca seamana cu Gucci - Rush 2. Si parfumul ramanea mult timp in par.

  17. O vreau!!! :))) Pudra label m nu mi s-a parut cine stie ce, nu am avut-o personal dar am probat-o de multe ori la un salon unde eram model si-mi faceam de cap din cand in cand, ridica radacina foarte putin, dar parca era un efect de moment si mi se parea ca o vad acolo nisipoasa :))), mai buna mi se pare crema de volum, care e activata de caldura, aia e singura care ma multumeste, cred ca o scriu despre ea, o am. "Thickening Cream".
